Imagine Your Story Through Summer Reading

The annual summer reading program at the Baxter County Library begins on May 28 for children, tweens, teens, and adults. The program features a new, on-line reading tracking program called READSquared. Funding for READSquared is graciously provided by the Arkansas State Library with CARES Act funding made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services during the COVID-19 pandemic. On-line summer reading tracking with READSquared, eliminates the need to distribute physical summer reading log sheets.

Children, Tweens, and Teens

Any child from birth through the teenage years is eligible to participate in the summer reading program.  Parents or children can use the READSquared app to log the child's reading each week.  When participants reach reading levels, they earn on-line "badges" and will be entered to win weekly prizes. Completers of the program will be entered into a grand prize drawing. There are different reading requirements and unique grand prizes for each grade level.  Winners will be notified when prizes are available for pick-up at the Library.

This year's summer reading theme is “Imagine Your Story,” focusing on fairy tales, mythology, and fantasy. The Collaborative Summer Library Program affirms that, “for many families with young children, the public library is the only community space available during the summer months where they can access educational and cultural enrichment activities and programs.”  Studies show that reading during the summer helps prevent the "summer slide" between school years, when students are at risk of losing some of the learning progress made in the previous school year.

For more information about the Baxter County Library's summer reading program and READSquared, including registration, rules, and requirements, visit From the homepage, click on the “Programs” tab, and then click on “Children’s and Teen’s Library” in the menu. To participate in summer reading, register on READSquared by using a computer or downloading the app for iOS and Android on your smart phone.

Adult Summer Reading Program

Adults can enjoy summer reading on READSquared, too.  After downloading READSquared, choose from 15 different book topic choices.  Complete 5 of the books to be entered into the grand prize drawing for an 8″ HD Amazon Fire Tablet.

Summer readers can check out books through the Library's hold pick-up service.  Place items on hold through your Library account at and you will be notified when they are ready for pick-up.  Or contact the Library at 879-580-0987 to request items for pick-up.

You can access WiFi from the Baxter County Library parking lot during certain times of the day. 6:00am-9:00pm Monday through Friday, 7:00am-9:00pm on Saturday, and 10:00am-6:00pm on Sunday. The WiFi password is 12345678. Anyone using the Library parking lot WiFi is encouraged to stay inside their vehicle and practice social distancing. Call the Library at 870-580-0987 if you need assistance.

Inspiring Imagination | Igniting Interests | Enabling Learning

Published by on July 22, 2020
Last Modified April 29, 2024
Library News